September 2, 2022
Last Sunday, our church came together in the spirit of faith and unity voting 100% to purchase 49.5 acre’s in SE Calgary to expand our reach and impact for the Gospel. In many ways this speaks of supernatural unity, the kind God commands his anointing and blessing upon.
First Assembly’s Vision 100 is all about reaching people with the good news of salvation. Resources God entrusts us with, such as land and buildings, are simply tools to advance His Kingdom as He continues to use us to change countless lives for eternity.
We give God all the glory! He continues to work in and through us to change countless lives for eternity.
Great days are here and ahead
Growing with our city
Stretching out our tent pegs
Making room for more.
“He who goes out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him.” — Psalm 126:6
— Ben Johnson
April 22, 2022
I have some exciting news to share with you regarding our Vision 100 plan to establish a soul-winning FA Campus in South Calgary.
As you may know, two years ago our church took a step of faith and purchased an 11.5-acre parcel of land in South Calgary. We continue to see God’s favour over our church as that land investment has gained significant value over the last year as a result of Calgary’s booming real estate market. As our Governing Council prayerfully continued to evaluate next steps in our future expansion plans, God has opened up a very exciting opportunity for our church to acquire a different property that has significant advantages over the property we currently own, to list a few key benefits:
Higher visibility and accessibility (along 22X, near Mahogany)
Larger (49.5 acres of land) which makes it a better fit for our long term South Campus vision
Higher already established sources of revenue on the property to cover carrying costs.
Our Governing Council prayerfully evaluated this opportunity and unanimously approved moving forward with a conditional offer, subject to First Assembly’s members' future vote on the sale of the current property and the purchase of the new one.
The vote is planned for late August to allow for sufficient time for our congregation to learn more about this land purchase and to prayerfully seek God’s confirmation on this decision.
It is important to note that, over the last 95 years, God has empowered our church as a beacon of light to our city and the world, blessing us with many seasons of growth and expansion. First Assembly has historically been used by God as a mother church, birthing new churches and ministries and taking the Gospel message to the very ends of the earth. True to our roots, First Assembly’s Vision 100 is all about reaching people with the good news of salvation. Resources God entrusts us with, such as land and buildings, are simply tools to advance His Kingdom as He continues to use us to change countless lives for eternity.
We know His leading and timing are perfect, and we will be providing opportunities for you to learn more about this exciting opportunity over the next few months.
I would ask that you join us in bringing this matter to the Lord in prayer. We are believing God for a supernatural harvest, this opportunity will position us well to reach many souls for Christ in the coming decades.
Pastor Ben Johnson