building strong, spirit empowered and passionate followers of Jesus in a fun environment that influences the whole family.
Kids Church
Elbow Drive
Sundays at 9AM, 10:45am & 12:30pM
Seton Campus
Sundays at 10:30am
What to expect upon arrival
→ Locate a culture team member with a lanyard and they can direct you to our Kids Check-in where you will be welcomed by a Kids Culture Team member who will assist you in signing in your child
→ Your child(ren) will be given two identical name tags along with a unique identification tag. Place one name tag on your child, the second identical name tag can be given to the classroom leader, the third identification tag is kept by guardian to be used at pick-up.
→ In the rare instance when we may need to contact you during the service, we will text you to notify you. We ask that you bring your tag with you and immediately find a FA Kids worker, who will direct you to your child’s room.
6 months - 24 months
Our Nursery is a place for your little one to be cared for in a fun and loving environment while you participate in the service. Your children will begin to learn about their relationship with God, in ways that are simple, creative and fun.
Ages 2 - 4
Our preschool program is an amazing place for your child to learn more about the love of God and grow in their personal relationship with God in fun and creative way. Children will participate in weekly songs, games, crafts, and free play in a safe environment.
Kids Church
Ages 4 to Grade 4
Children are the future leaders of the church and we need to build a strong foundation of knowledge and give them the tools to grow in their own faith. Our school-aged program includes time of worship, an interactive and fun curriculum, activities, crafts and small group discussions. We want your child to develop intentional relationships with both our leaders and other children to create a strong church community in their lives. Check out the parent email for the parents information booklet for our current series.
Special Needs Ministry
ages 6 months - grade 4
We have a team of trained volunteers to help care for specific needs of your child during our Sunday morning gatherings. If you have a child with special needs are would like to receive loving one-on-one care from one of our volunteers please fill out an intake form below.
Child Dedications
On Sunday morning during our worship experience, we take some time out to dedicate children to God and commit to raising them in homes that follow God. We would love for you to participate if you have a child/children that you want to dedicate to God. We simply want to pray for you and affirm your decision to foster a Godly experience in your home for your family. Want to participate? Please fill out the form below.
Mid-Week Programs
We have many programs available for kids throughout the week! Check them out below:
A place for kids Grad 1 to Grade 4 where they can express themselves and be mentored through many art expressions (dance, songwriting, science, painting, cooking, robotics, etc.)
Discipleship program tailored to kids Grade 1 - Grade 4, where they are encouraged to grow in their faith, while having fun in a safe space
Special Needs Parent Group
If you are a parent or guardian of a special needs child, Pastor Heather Johnson invites you to join her on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at FA Church for a powerful time of connection, support, encouragement and prayer! *Childcare provided
Parents Club
Parents Club is a community group that will promote to our FA families a time to connect, have fellowship, have fun, restore, and learn with one another, as we seek the wisdom from the Bible to learn what it takes to be a strong and united family. We understand it takes a village to raise children. But we recognize that, together in Christ, we are stronger.
We meet every Wednesday from 6:00 to 8:00pm, except for the last Wednesday of the month, when Empower service happens.
*Childcare and light snacks are provided.
Visual Consent Disclaimer
You may have noticed some members of our capture team capturing photos or video of our favourite moments around the church. This content is for the purpose of sharing the story of what God is doing at First Assembly, with our city and the world.