In 1927, a small group of believers met together with a passion to reach lost people in Calgary for Jesus. Two years later, in 1929, Pentecostal Tabernacle of Calgary was established and since that time God has empowered our church to be a beacon of light to our city and world. Over the years God has blessed us tremendously and we've witnessed many seasons of growth and expansion as we have continued to follow God's leading and step out in faith. Our church stepping out in faith has always resulted in countless lives changed for eternity...countless!
Impacting Calgary and the world with the life transforming presence of Jesus
We are a Spirit-empowered community, expanding God’s Kingdom by helping people become passionate and influential disciples of Christ.
Who is Jesus?
Jesus Christ was born of a virgin (Mary) who had conceived by a miracle of the Holy Spirit. He was fully God and fully man as He lived on the earth without sin. He coexisted in eternity with the Father and the Holy Spirit; He was present and operated in the creation of the world. Christ’s sinlessness gave Him the authority to be the substitute for our sins by giving His life as a ransom on the cross.
Jesus taught with authority, healed the sick, performed miracles and cast out demons. He had compassion on the poor and the outcast and was called a friend of sinners.
Jesus was falsely accused and sentenced to death by the Roman execution of crucifixion. He was buried in a stone tomb, and after three days He arose from the dead (as He had predicted), and appeared to many people including five hundred at one time. By His resurrection Jesus has become the means of salvation and eternal life to all who will believe in Him. (John 3:16; John 14:6)
He ascended to heaven to the right hand of the Father and has promised that He will one day return to receive those who are waiting for Him and living according to His commands.
Our Denominational Beliefs
We are affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC), a fellowship of more than 1,100 churches across English- and French-speaking Canada. First Assembly is aligned with PAOC's Statement of Essential Truths and Positions and Practices. You can find the document here.
Becoming a member at First Assembly Church is a significant step in deepening your connection with our faith community and actively participating in the life of our church. Membership signifies a willingness to not only receive but to contribute, using your unique gifts to enrich the tapestry of our church family. It's a commitment to grow in your faith alongside like-minded believers, engaging in discipleship, worship, and service. While attendees are warmly welcomed to join our gatherings and events, membership goes a step further, representing a formal commitment to the vision and values of FA Church. As a member, you have privileges and commitments. For example, you will have a voice in important decisions, you will have a vote in our Congregational Business Meetings and have the opportunity to become a lay leader and have an active role in shaping the future of our church community.
To become a member at FA, you will need to:
Attend FA's Belong Class (monthly available) and our Membership Class (available twice a year during fall and spring)
Submit your application
Go through the interview and approval process
Take the next step—become a member and be an integral part of making a difference in the lives of individuals, families, and our wider community.
Click here to see if there is an upcoming Belong and Membership Class:
Ben + Heather Johnson
Ben is the Lead Pastor at FA. Ben and His wife Heather have served together in Pastoral and Apostolic ministry for over 20 years.
They share a deep spiritual burden for our nation of Canada - specifically for the unchurched and the next generation. They long to see a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our time, and they believe that some of the most exciting days for the Canadian church are ahead. Together with their four daughters, they count it an incredible honour to be able to serve Jesus and serve our beautiful City of Calgary.
Pastor Ben and Heather would like to invite you and your family to church this Sunday!
Pastoral Lead Team
Lead Pastor
Associate Pastor (Strategic Ministry Development)
Associate Pastor (Worship & Arts)
Executive Director (Operations and Services)
Seton Campus Pastors
Associate Pastor (Seniors and Pastoral Care)
Pastoral Team
Jenny Tabares
Discipleship & Community Pastor
Adam Meckelborg
Prayer & Ministry Schools Pastor
Jeremiah Niengor
Youth & YA Pastor
Tehillah Director
Sebastian Martinez
Kids Ministry Pastor
Click or tap the button below to meet our current roster of church leadership serving on the Governing Council