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“Lord, teach us to pray" - Luke 11:1


Sunday morning


Elbow Drive Campus Services | 9AM, 10:45AM & 12:30PM

*Struggling to find a seat or parking on Sunday mornings? Join us at 9AM, 12:30PM, or at our Seton Campus!

Seton Campus Service | 10:30AM

Join us on Sundays as we gather together to worship and listen to messages that inspire our walk with God and help us belong, believe and become passionate and influential disciples of Christ. Kids and Youth Church will also be available in-person.


9AM & 10:45AM

Join us for our Sunday Morning services and Prayer gatherings streaming LIVE. The service will be available on our YouTube channel following the LIVE broadcast.



We are committed to gathering for prayer as a church community. Once a month we gather in-person for Empower: Worship & Prayer on the last Wednesday Night of every month at 6:00pm.

Tehillah moNDAY

In-person | MONDAYS AT 7PM

Tehillah Monday is a city wide weekly worship experience. Through passionate worship and inspired talks every week, we are challenged to go deeper in our relationship with Jesus. We welcome people of all ages and backgrounds from around the city to experience what God is doing.


In-person | TUESDAYS AT 10:00AM

If you are a senior (55+), you are invited to join us for a time of worship and prayer every Tuesday at 10am in the Hub. You can register at the door. Please contact Pastor Cliff with any inquiries.



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Latest Message

Water into wine — ben johnson

This past Sunday, Starting our new series “The Gospel Of John,” our Lead Pastor, Ben Johnson, preached a message entitled "Water to Wine." Pastor Ben reminded us that Jesus’ first miracle at the wedding in Cana was more than just an act of kindness—it was a sign pointing to His divine power and mission. In John 2:11, we see that through this miracle, Jesus revealed His glory, leading His disciples to believe in Him. Pastor Ben also highlighted John 20:31, emphasizing that the signs recorded in Scripture are given so that we may believe Jesus is the Messiah and find life in His name. This message invites us to trust in Jesus’ transforming power, knowing that He takes what is ordinary and makes it extraordinary—just as He turned water into wine.

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Impacting Calgary and the world with the life transforming presence of Jesus.