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Governing Council election notification

First Assembly is a self-governing congregation with a member-elected Governing Council that constitute the organization’s Board of Directors. The Governing Council is composed of the Lead Pastor as chair and eight elders elected by the congregation from nominated Elders. Proverbs 11:14, 15:22, and 24:6 instruct us on the importance of different perspectives, backgrounds, experiences, and knowledge for wise decision making. First Assembly is benefited by the election of Governing Council candidates that reflect our church members’ diversity of race, ethnicity, gender, socio-economic status, age, and professional abilities.


Governing Council key accountabilities

The role of the governing council is outlined in Section 6 of the By Laws and includes the following key areas of accountability:

- Vision, strategy, planning

- Organizational oversight

- Decision making

- Administrative stewardship

- Financial stewardship

- Risk management

- Regulatory and legal matters and obligations


Governing Council Candidate Profile

Governing Council members form First Assembly’s Board of Directors and have legal, fiduciary, and governance responsibilities. As such, strong Governing Council candidates’ background will include some of the below competencies and professional experience:

- Visionary leader experienced in strategic advisory

- Demonstrated problem-solving abilities

- Proven ability to work collaboratively within a multidisciplinary team

- Consensus building team player respectful and open to the ideas of others


Experience in one or more of the following specialties:

- Strategy, planning, and performance management

- Governance, policies, and procedures

- Financial management

- Operational management

- Legal and regulatory industry

- Healthcare industry

- Construction and engineering

- Information technology

- Project management

- Human resources

- Entrepreneurship

- Marketing and Communications

- Fundraising

- Other not for profit board interaction experience, committees work, and operations


What is expected of a Governing Council Member?

Governing Council members are expected to:

- Devote approximately 5 to 10 hours per month of their time for monthly meetings, document review, discussions and other special meetings as required.

- Participate in specific committees like the budget committee, constitution committee, and other working groups as needed.

- Adhere to the Governing Council role and responsibilities.

- Be active members in First Assembly's congregational life and ministry.

 2023 Candidates


Alan Cajueiro

How long have you attended First Assembly?

My family and I are connected with First Assembly since 2016, when we moved to Canada from Brazel and attend regularly as our home church since 2020.

What are one or two of your favourite things about being a part of First Assembly?

Above all, I’m passionate about Jesus and our church family. This is home for my family, a spirit-empowered community, a place where everyone can really belong, believe, and become their best version. I love serving back our people in whichever way the Lord may lead.

What areas or ministries at First Assembly have you served with or are you currently involved with?

I currently serve in the worship team and as a member of the Servant Council, supporting foundational areas of ministry such as prayer, Elder engagement, new believers, and the topic I’m most passionate about: Community Groups. Since 2021, I support the work of our Group Coaches and as coaches, my wife and I lead a flourishing Brazilian community at FA that grows well connected and serving our church family in multiple areas of ministry, including our Seton campus.

What skills and experience do you hope to bring to the Governing Council?

I have been working in the Engineering area for almost 20 years now, in management and consulting positions, managing teams and supporting businesses in problem solving, project management in multi-billion sized projects. I believe God can use these skills to contribute to our already well-versed team and keep the level of excellence in everything our church does. I serve in different ministry positions for the last 25 years. I hold a college degree in Theology since 2019 and served my church in Brazil as a couples/worship volunteer pastor since 2013 and as a deacon since 2007.

Andrew Bonnell

How long have you attended First Assembly?

First Assembly has been my home church since 2016.

What are one or two of your favourite things about being a part of First Assembly?

We are a spirit empowered church with an emphasis on prayer, serving, worship, and teaching. We equip our congregation to be the hands and feet of Jesus! God is doing a new thing during this season and I feel passionate and excited to be a part of it.

What areas or ministries at First Assembly have you served with or are you currently involved with?

Over the past 7 years, I’ve had the honour to serve within our FA Worship and Tehillah ministries. Since becoming an Elder, I’ve also served on our Elder Council and worked on several initiatives to promote Elder development and connections. Most recently I have joined the Milk and Honey Barista Team - come say hi and grab a latte before service!

What skills and experience do you hope to bring to the Governing Council?

I am a Professional Engineer with an MBA working in our Canadian Oil and Gas Industry. This has afforded me the opportunity to gain project and financial management skills working on several major projects across Canada. I enjoy studying organizational structures, corporate planning, and leadership culture. I hope to use these skills in an enhanced capacity through an appointment to the governing council at First Assembly. It would be an honour to serve!

Dave Taylor

How long have you attended First Assembly?

16 years

What are one or two of your favourite things about being a part of First Assembly?

I love the FA focus on:

  • Community (Dream Centre, food hampers, car repairs, etc.)

  • Expanding God’s kingdom on earth

  • Music Ministry

What areas or ministries at First Assembly have you served with or are you currently involved with?

I have served on the GC for seven years. I am currently finishing up a one year sabbatical from the GC but I am actively serving on the building committee for the south property. I also run the I542 Business and Entrepreneur group (previously Business over Breakfast).

What skills and experience do you hope to bring to the Governing Council?

I have an electrical engineering background and I have worked in the oil and gas industry for the majority of my career. I have held roles in consulting, management, and global business leadership.

I am currently based in Calgary and running a power generation business in California.